”Let’s Meet Again, 5 Members of BIGBANG”… YANG HYUN SUK Posts Photo of T.O.P

[SBS funE l=강경윤 기자] YG Entertainment’s YANG HYUN SUK gathered attention by mentioning BIGBANG’s T.O.P, who is currently having a self-restraint period. 

On January 1st, YANG HYUN SUK posted a photo from BIGBANG’s concert held from December 30 to 31st. He wrote the caption, “I will sing this song as I come back to you. If I can see your beautiful self once again, The most touching moment yesterday”. He continued with the caption, “Let’s meet again BIGBANG. BIGBANG has 5 members” with a hashtag. 

With the captions, YANG HYUN SUK revealed a photo taken with T.O.P who couldn’t participate on yesterday’s concert. T.O.P was sentenced to 10 months of imprisonment and 2 years of probation, due to the charge of smoking marijuana on trial, with an ex-trainee named Han Seo-Hee last October.  

The concert mentioned by YANG HYUN SUK was tentatively the last concert by BIGBANG before their upcoming military duty. TAEYANG is expected to have a wedding with MIN HYORIN next year, on February. 

2018. 1. 1.

Source: YG Life

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