[Social Media] #승리 Seungri Instagram Summary 2018-03-29


曾志偉Tsang Chi Wai !!!!!

A post shared by Lee seung ri (@seungriseyo) on

Seungri Instagram Mar 29, 2018 7:28pm

曾志偉Tsang Chi Wai !!!!!

Mar 29, 2018 7:28pm (KST) by seungriseyo
Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bg5112uA9cL/
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🎊아오리라멘 28호점이 천안에 오픈합니다.🎊#아오리라멘 @aoriramen 아오리라멘 28호점, 국내 23호점이 3월 30일 금요일 충남 천안에 오픈합니다! 유관순 열사의 생가와 독립기념관 등 역사가 살아 숨쉬고 우리나라 최우수축제로 지정된 흥타령축제가 열리는 충남의 대표도시 천안에서도 아오리라멘을 즐기실 수 있습니다! 아오리라멘 천안점은 충남 천안시 동남구 먹거리10길 32, 1층, 신세계백화점 맞은편 골목에서 만나실수 있습니다. • アオリラーメン28号店目、国内23号店目が3月30日、忠清南道天安(チョナン)にオープンします! 柳寛順(ユグァンスン)烈士の生家と独立記念館などの歴史があり、 韓国最優秀祭に指定されたフンタリョン祭が開かれる忠南の代表都市、天安でもアオリラーメンを楽しむことができます! アオリラーメン天安店は忠南道天安市東南区モッコリ10キル32、1階、新世界デパートの向かい側の路地にてお会いできます。 • Aori拉面第28号分店即将在天安开业! Aori拉面国内第23号店天安店将于3/30(星期五)在忠清南道天安市开业! 天安市拥有柳宽顺烈士生前的故居以及独立纪念馆等历史氛围浓厚。 而且还拥有被指定韩国最优秀节日之一的天安兴打令节。 今后大家也可以在天安市品尝到美味的Aori拉面了! Aori拉面天安店位于32 Meokgeori 10-gil, Dongnam-gu, Cheonan-si, Chungcheongnam-do, 1层, 新世界百货对面的小胡同里。 • The 28th branch of Aori Ramen(Domestic 23rd branch) will open in Cheonan, Chungcheongnam-do on March 30th Friday. Cheonan is the birthplace of Yoo, Gwan-sun and where the hisory of Independence Memorial hall is located. You can enjoy Aori Ramen in Cheonan, the representative city of Chungnam at which the Heung-Dance festival is taking place and it's designated as the best festival in Korea. Aori Ramen Cheonan branch is located on the first floor of 32, Meokgeori 10-gil, Dongnam-gu, Cheonan-si, Chungcheongnam-do, Republic of Korea, right across alley from the Sinsegye department store.

A post shared by Lee seung ri (@seungriseyo) on

Seungri Instagram Mar 29, 2018 1:07pm

아오리라멘 28호점이 천안에 오픈합니다. #아오리라멘 @aoriramen
아오리라멘 28호점, 국내 23호점이 3월 30일 금요일 충남 천안에 오픈합니다!
유관순 열사의 생가와 독립기념관 등 역사가 살아 숨쉬고 우리나라 최우수축제로 지정된 흥타령축제가 열리는 충남의 대표도시 천안에서도 아오리라멘을 즐기실 수 있습니다!
아오리라멘 천안점은 충남 천안시 동남구 먹거리10길 32, 1층, 신세계백화점 맞은편 골목에서 만나실수 있습니다.


Aori拉面天安店位于32 Meokgeori 10-gil, Dongnam-gu, Cheonan-si, Chungcheongnam-do, 1层,

The 28th branch of Aori Ramen(Domestic 23rd branch) will open in Cheonan, Chungcheongnam-do on March 30th Friday.
Cheonan is the birthplace of Yoo, Gwan-sun and where the hisory of Independence Memorial hall is located. You can enjoy Aori Ramen in Cheonan, the representative city of Chungnam at which the Heung-Dance festival is taking place and it's designated as the best festival in Korea.
Aori Ramen Cheonan branch is located on the first floor of 32, Meokgeori 10-gil, Dongnam-gu, Cheonan-si, Chungcheongnam-do, Republic of Korea, right across alley from the Sinsegye department store.

Mar 29, 2018 1:07pm (KST) by seungriseyo
Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bg5KTjMgHJl/
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